- libpnd: merge overrides, fix it up; - full-replacement PXML is one option, another is - apply override to all sections that match -- by unique-id, so apply override to all sub-apps that apply? - add check .. if fail to load, during skin load, and also using non-default skin, delete skin-pref file and restart in hopes default is not borked - add font and fontcolour control to conf - Perhaps a seriesof conf sections for per-file-extension or per-mimetype or both [Section-FILEEXT] and [Section-MIMETYPE] icon /some/path invoke /path/to/proggy/to/run/it -- this would thus let us do things like invoke a video player -- alternative: parse the MIME handlers for xfce (say), to poach the info. Could be really slow. - some ultra primtive frame draw, so the 'detail menu' and any 'sub menus' can draw their own frame rather than depand on skin frame to exist - ie: some system for handling basic UI for setting changes, without conf hacking - deploy.. - .desktop for deployment, for running from xfce - future - handle SD eject/insert? or leave on manual - add callback to pnd_disco_Search (maybe new func to not break cpas code), so can show number apps found so far