# # libpnd Makefile # # tools CC = ${CROSSCOMPILE}gcc AR = ${CROSSCOMPILE}ar RANLIB = ${CROSSCOMPILE}ranlib RM = rm # environment VPATH = lib test apps CFLAG_SO = -fPIC #-fPIC not always needed, but good to have CFLAGS = -Wall -I./include -g ${CFLAG_SO} CXXFLAGS = -Wall -I./include -g ${CFLAG_SO} # code LIB = libpnd.a SOLIB = libpnd.so.1 # canonicle name SOLIB1 = libpnd.so.1.0.1 # versioned name XMLOBJ = lib/tinyxml/tinystr.o lib/tinyxml/tinyxml.o lib/tinyxml/tinyxmlerror.o lib/tinyxml/tinyxmlparser.o ALLOBJ = pnd_conf.o pnd_container.o pnd_discovery.o pnd_pxml.o pnd_notify.o pnd_locate.o pnd_tinyxml.o pnd_pndfiles.o pnd_apps.o pnd_utility.o pnd_desktop.o all: ${SOLIB} ${LIB} conftest discotest notifytest locatetest pndnotifyd rawpxmltest clean: ${RM} -f ${ALLOBJ} ${XMLOBJ} ${LIB} ${SOLIB1} locatetest.o bin/locatetest conftest.o bin/conftest discotest.o bin/discotest bin/notifytest notifytest.o bin/rawpxmltest rawpxmltest.o bin/pndnotifyd pndnotifyd.o ${SOLIB} testdata/dotdesktop/*.desktop testdata/apps/*.pnd testdata/dotdesktop/*.png deployment/usr/lib/libpnd* deployment/usr/bin/pndnotifyd deployment/usr/pandora/scripts/* deployment/etc/sudoers deployment/etc/init.d/pndnotifyd ${RM} -rf deployment/media find . -name "*~*" -exec rm {} \; -print # component targets # libpnd.a: ${ALLOBJ} ${XMLOBJ} ${AR} r ${LIB} ${ALLOBJ} ${XMLOBJ} ${RANLIB} ${LIB} libpnd.so.1: ${ALLOBJ} ${XMLOBJ} ${CC} -shared -Wl,-soname,${SOLIB} -o ${SOLIB1} ${ALLOBJ} ${XMLOBJ} ln -f -s ${SOLIB1} ${SOLIB} pndnotifyd: pndnotifyd.o ${SOLIB1} ${CC} -lstdc++ -o bin/pndnotifyd pndnotifyd.o ${SOLIB1} # deployment and assembly components # pnd: # build x86_ls with icon cd testdata/pndsample; ../scripts/pnd_make.sh -p x86_ls.pnd -d x86_ls -i x86_ls/zeldaicon.png -x x86_ls/PXML.xml # build x86_echo with no icon cd testdata/pndsample; ../scripts/pnd_make.sh -p x86_echo.pnd -d x86_echo -x x86_echo/PXML.xml deploy: # populate deployment directory for copying into image bakes # make dirs mkdir -p deployment/etc/pandora/conf mkdir -p deployment/usr/lib mkdir -p deployment/usr/bin mkdir -p deployment/usr/pandora/apps mkdir -p deployment/usr/pandora/scripts mkdir -p deployment/etc/init.d/ # premake the directories that SD's mount onto; makes pndnotifyd life easier mkdir -p deployment/media/mmcblk0p1 mkdir -p deployment/media/mmcblk1p1 # copy in goodies cp libpnd* deployment/usr/lib cp bin/pndnotifyd deployment/usr/bin cp testdata/scripts/* deployment/usr/pandora/scripts # copy in freebee .pnd apps to /usr/pandora/apps # add pndnotify to etc/rc/startup-whatever cp testdata/sh/pndnotifyd deployment/etc/init.d/pndnotifyd cp testdata/sh/sudoers deployment/etc/sudoers # test tool targets # conftest: conftest.o ${LIB} ${CC} -lstdc++ -o bin/conftest conftest.o libpnd.a discotest: discotest.o ${LIB} ${CC} -lstdc++ -o bin/discotest discotest.o libpnd.a notifytest: notifytest.o ${LIB} ${CC} -lstdc++ -o bin/notifytest notifytest.o libpnd.a locatetest: locatetest.o ${SOLIB1} ${CC} -lstdc++ -o bin/locatetest locatetest.o ${SOLIB1} rawpxmltest: rawpxmltest.o ${LIB} ${CC} -lstdc++ -o bin/rawpxmltest rawpxmltest.o ${LIB}