# # mmcatmap.conf -- allows merging or renaming or mapping of categories from one name to another, for minimenu. # [categories] # Normally for mmenu, an encountered category is just used as is. 5 cats exist, you get 5 tabs. # If map_on is >0, then category transforms will occur # @NEWCAT oldcat1:oldcat2 <- means oldcat1, if found, will map to NEWCAT. "@" is discarded. # NOTE: FreeDesktop rules do not allow categories with spaces in the name; if needed, I can add it with quoting. # If map_default_on is set (>0), then any unmapped categories will be forced into the default category bucket (map_default_cat.) # If map_default_on is off (=0), then unmapped categories will become their own categories as normal. # Should probably still have an @ line to create the default category, since creating the cats comes before assigning defaults # NOTE: Individual app overrides occur at the time of app scanning, so before this category mapping occurs and thus is effected map_on 0 # if >0, will do category mapping at all; if 0, don't do any of this. map_default_on 0 # if >0, any unmapped category will get forced to map_default_cat; set to 0 to leave unmapped cats alone map_default_cat Spam # see map_default_on # NOTE: List the categories in reverse order to how you wish them in the tab list; last one shows up as first tab @Woogle Audio @Jimmy Game @Spam